Mar 19, 2018
The experiences you have on mission trips are like none other. Whether they are with the people or the place itself, you are bound to make unforgettable memories. Below are a list of 10 experiences thateveryone who has been on a trip is sure recognize. Can you relate?
10.You’ll make a whole new family
The friendships you make create some of the most cherished memories on each new mission trip. When you spend so many hours with a group of people, in the most unique circumstances, you’re bound to make some really good friends.
9. You’ll get really good at nonverbal communication
When you are on a mission trip to a country where you do not speak the local language, you will get really good at communicating through hand gestures and noises. Soon, you will realize that you don’t always need words to help and show love to others.
8. You’ll taste some interesting food
On your mission trip, if you’re adventurous (and sometimes if you’re not) you’ll get to experience some truly unique foods! You might love it or hate, but you’ll be able to say you did.
7. You’ll discover your hidden talents
So many times, on mission trips, you grow and blossom with talents you did not know you had. When there is a need, God blesses His people with the right gifts! Timid individuals become prolific speakers and those who have never worked with children learn that they have a gift for handling them!
6. You’ll learn to go with the flow
Every mission trip is unique. Sometimes there will be obstacles–make that, always! Whether it is missing your flight, forgetting important supplies or getting sick, a mission trip can be a real rollercoaster. However, your team members will be right there with you for emotional, physical and spiritual support. And, more importantly, our God is bigger than any overwhelming circumstance.
5. You’ll see a brand new world
Flying to another country, learning about another culture and serving people who are in need opens your eyes to things you probably never even imagined. If you want to experience the kind of wonder you haven’t felt since childhood, explore a new country for the first time. There’s a reason people get hooked on missions!
4. You’ll have a perspective change
Seeing the poverty of so many people around the world and how they learn to live with so little will make you think twice before you complain about your #FirstWorldProblems. Your mission trip will help you become more appreciative of the life you have at home.
3. You’ll see God at work
When you intentionally put yourself in a place that requires you to trust in God, you find that you should have been trusting Him all along. There are no words to describe the way God works in people, unless you witness it for yourself. Changed hearts, healed wounds and yes, even miracles, are waiting for you in the mission field.
2. You’ll be exhausted (but in a good way)
Between traveling a far distance, working hard and playing harder, you’ll need all the energy reserves you have! But, while you’ll be more tired than you can imagine, you’ll also be more inspired and more invigorated than you can imagine. Just when you think you’re wiped out, you’ll dig deep for a new wave of enthusiasm when you see the fruits of your labor.
1. Your relationship with God will be strengthened
No matter where you’re coming from or what you’ve been through, if you open your heart to this new experience, your faith will be renewed. Being involved in bringing others to Jesus, draws you to Him as well. And when you see someone you’ve ministered to get baptized–there’s nothing sweeter!
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