Jun 13, 2018
1. Bring the right clothes
You’ll definitely want comfortable travel clothes, work duds and appropriate church clothes for the culture and climate you’re visiting. And it’s smart to put one or two outfits in your carry-on, in case your checked bags are lost or delayed (it can happen)!
2. Grab your broken-in shoes
It’s likely that you’ll be doing a lot of walking and you don’t want your day’s thoughts to be solely about how much your feet hurt. Tried is true (especially with shoes). Breaking in a new pair of kicks that leaves you with a blister is not what you’d call a party.
3. Pack your favorite water bottle
If you’re reading this with your trusty water bottle already at your side, I don’t need to tell you! But if not, consider bringing one on your mission. Water is not always readily available in the field. And it can be hot (make-you-feel-like-butter-in-a-skillet hot).
4. A bag comes in handy
Besides luggage, bring a secondary bag or backpack to carry things during the day. You’ll be getting lots of steps in between eating, team meetings, construction, clinics and evening meetings. You may not always get back to your room, so carry what you’ll need.
5. You might need some meds
A few medicines for colds, headaches, stomach aches and the like, will be a life-saver if your body can’t fight everything coming at you. And even if you have the constitution of a viking, your unprepared friend will be grateful when he falls ill and you save the day!
6. Sun protection is your friend
In the field, the sun can happily shine at a level you’re not used to or expecting. If you’re a sunscreen person, bring it! More partial to a full-brimmed hat and long sleeves? Pack âem! Maybe even take cues from locals who deal with the sun in their own unique ways.
7. Small gifts or cards are nice
Unless your name is Grumpy Cat, you’ll make friends. You’ll form bonds with your local partners because working together for a cause generates kinship and gratitude. You’ll know who you want to leave with a thank-you card or token of your friendship.
8. Converters come in clutch
Surprisingly enough, all technology is not standardized across all countriesÑcrazy, right? And in 2018, you’ll probably have a few electronic devices with you. When your phone is at 2%, the right adapter or converter is life.
9. Don’t bring these
Worried how you’ll fit it all in your suitcase? Don’t fret, there are some things you definitively won’t need! Heavy things (like all your Nancy Drew books) are a good start. Also, leave your arsenal of weapons, pets and things you don’t want to lose or break.
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