Feb 13, 2020 Catching the mission bug!
Anna and Aurora didn’t know each other. Then last year, they both signed up for a mission trip to Ukraine and that changed forever. It was the first mission trip for both girls and being there felt like an unreal, incredible dream. It was exciting to just take everything in!
Anna, Aurora and their team member, Julie, were chosen to serve at, what the team had dubbed, “the distant site.” Elena, the pastor’s wife from their site attended the organization meeting. She shared that the local church members were expecting lots of kids for the children’s program. Every day they had been responding to kids, teachers, parents and more asking when the meetings would start.
Even children walking by the church had seen the banners and gotten excited. The congregation was thrilled the team was coming and had done incredible prep work to be ready.
For evangelistic meetings like this, maybe 10-15 kids are the maximum expectation. On the first night of meetings they had 51 kids! This was incredible in a place like Ukraine where the culture is very wary of and almost opposed to Protestantism.
Many adults attended the meeting as well. Julie preached the Sabbath sermon and brought everyone to tears with her testimony. Irina, one of the translators, said that the message was exactly what she needed to hear that day.
EveryoneÑteam members, church members and visitorsÑconnected so well that, when the meeting was over, no one wanted to leave. They stayed and talked and built friendships. This first Sabbath was the happiest I’ve ever been, shared Aurora.
It was very clear that the two girls had already caught the missions bug! As Aurora and Anna learned that week in Ukraine, missions change everyone involved and are a team effort. They build new friendships, expand horizons and strengthen relationships with Jesus.
It’s your turn! Catch the Bug!
This year, go all in for the gospel and make a difference in the world. For more information about what trips are available visit qhministries.org
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