We believe that the Word of God brings about transformation, healing, and hope in the lives of individuals and communities. Financial position and literacy rate shouldn’t cause people to be unable to experience and live His Word. Recently, local church leaders paid a visit to the chief and elders of…
MoreAt just 28 years old, Suzzy faces a challenge that many in Northern Ghana share: she is unable to read. In a region where 67.5% of people struggle with illiteracy due to high levels of poverty and limited educational resources, Suzzy’s inability to read the Bible left her feeling isolated…
MoreFinding the Reason for the Chaos
“What’s behind the chaotic behavior of these kids?” thought Paula after their first night doing the kid’s program in Ghana. Paula shared her thoughts about how her past teaching experience prepared her for this unique mission trip: “I’m normally a high school science teacher. And it’s not that high school…
More“I want you to know something—you have my blood!” Pastor Hobson yelled ecstatically through the microphone on Sabbath afternoon. On our final day in Tamale, Ghana, Pr. Hobson introduced himself to the congregation with his new name, Kujo. “I am Pastor Ronnie Joseph Kujo Hobson, I am here with Quiet…
More“Wherever I Go, I’m Now Going to Share the Word of God”
“Adventism has been introduced to the village of Kogni for the first time because of Quiet Hour Ministries,” explains Pastor Peter. “So praise God for their support and resources because, without it, we might not even consider bringing the ministry to this challenging field any time soon.” Meimba Peter is…
MoreWith 36 different languages and a 32.5%* literacy rate, on top of poverty, how can Northern Ghana be reached for Christ? These just a couple of the many challenges in Northern Ghana that stand in the way of spreading of the gospel. However, Jesus says, “But with God all things…