
This December, serve in the land of perpetual summer

Jun 7, 2019 Comments Off on This December, serve in the land of perpetual summer
February 11 @ 10:26 am

If there is any country close to paradise on this earth, it is Jamaica. With it’s beautiful beaches, laid-back, friendly communities and delicious cuisine. But despite the perpetual summer paradise, Jamaica faces the same challenges that arise everywhere in this sinful and discouraging world. That’s why QHM can’t wait to…


Sharing a language of love

Jun 3, 2019 Comments Off on Sharing a language of love
February 11 @ 10:26 am

During our recent mission to Ukraine, Julie Breazeale, a nurse, joined the mission team. Julie is one of those vibrant, energetic people who is deeply committed to making a real difference. And she worked tirelessly to make sure opportunity was given for real connections with the people she met in…


Disheveled, unsettled and in exactly the right place.

May 29, 2019 Comments Off on Disheveled, unsettled and in exactly the right place.
February 11 @ 10:26 am

Right now, a QHM mission trip is working on week two of a trip to the Ukraine. Already, the team is experiencing how intentionally God is working there! The Ukraine is one of the more challenging location to do missions, largely because people are very wary and hesitant to explore…


From a machete to the Almighty

May 23, 2019 Comments Off on From a machete to the Almighty
February 11 @ 10:26 am

One of the most rewarding aspects of QHM Mission trips is the people you get to serve with, both those on the mission team itself, and our international partners in the field. May Forshee, our team leader for the September mission to Manado, Indonesia, recently returned from her introductory trip…


Three important reasons to go on THIS mission to Mexico in July.

May 1, 2019 Comments Off on Three important reasons to go on THIS mission to Mexico in July.
February 11 @ 10:26 am

You will introduce people to Jesus! Whether you speak, lead children’s programs, participate in medical clinics, present health talks, or help with the construction of a large new church being built nearbyÑ YOU will make a big impact in this suburb of Tijuana. You were requested by The North Baja…


My eyes have been opened. Now I can see!

Apr 30, 2019 Comments Off on My eyes have been opened. Now I can see!
February 11 @ 10:26 am

When people visit different countries around the world, they always have their eyes opened. I was no exception on my first visit to Cuba. I was amazed by the most appreciative, lovely and caring people I got to know. In fact, I’d never experienced that much love, or gotten so…


From Maasi warrior to Jesus warrior

Apr 17, 2019 Comments Off on From Maasi warrior to Jesus warrior
February 11 @ 10:26 am

Joshua is from Sekinani, a small village near the Maasai Mara Game park gate in Kenya. He was raised steeped in Maasai warrior culture. Even at the young age of 26, Joshua has four wives and eighteen children! They live in a small mud hut, called a manyatta, in their…


A Whisper of a Prayer

Apr 3, 2019 Comments Off on A Whisper of a Prayer
February 11 @ 10:26 am

One evening in Iloilo, I was sharing the VBS program with a big group of enthusiastic children. I asked if any of them would like to say the prayer before we dismissed for the evening. A young lad named Jordan raised his hand. The children are always eager to volunteer,…


An Appointment in Heaven

Mar 27, 2019 Comments Off on An Appointment in Heaven
February 11 @ 10:26 am

In Iloilo, Philippines, the pastor of the Jaro Church, Rey Portugalete, is a very dedicated pastor, diligently doing the Lord’s work. He has 100 people doing Bible Studies, which is an amazing amount! Lots of preparation was done prior to my arrival there. I was so excited to be there…


God chose a man. Then the man shared the perfect plot.

Mar 20, 2019 Comments Off on God chose a man. Then the man shared the perfect plot.
February 11 @ 10:26 am

Rereu Kiu was searching for a church home in Kenya. As he visited churches, he would compare their beliefs to what he had been carefully studying in his Bible. One Sabbath, he found an Adventist church that met in a room at a school. Week after week, he discovered they…
