Oct 6, 2021 Disfellowshipped for the Truth
“You are to cut off all communication and stop doing Bible studies with that Seventh-day Adventist man!” commanded our priest. If you keep studying the Bible with Omari, you and your whole family will be disfellowshipped!
We were shocked as we heard these stern words! My family and I had never heard our priest speak in such a severe manner. We traveled back home from church that day in silence, everyone deep in thought. When we got back home, we prayed and talked as we ate our lunch, but it seemed like all of us had lost our appetite.
“Nasir, my son, we must seriously consider the advice of our priest,” my father said. “He said the Seventh-day Adventists are like a cult leading us astray from the true church teachings.”
“But father, what’s wrong with studying the Bible? How can the word of God lead us astray?” I protested. My dad raised his hands in a quieting gesture, as I felt the blood flushing my face in anger.
Sadly, my parents said that for now we would follow the guidance of our priest. I couldn’t believe it! We had studied together with brother Omari and his wife for several weeks, and I knew my parents believed the Bible truths about Sabbath and end-time prophecies. I just couldn’t understand why they would give up on this precious light we received?
In the Muslim-majority country we live in, it is not easy to be a Christian. I saw first-hand how differences in faith created conflicts in our family. As the evening prayer chime of our local Mosque boomed through the neighborhood, I determined to channel my anger in a positive way. I closed my bedroom door and knelt in prayer.
“Dear Lord Jesus, please, give my family Your wisdom for this situation. Please help us to follow Your word, no matter what⦔ as I prayed that evening, I determined I would not stop praying until God touched my parents’ hearts. I also decided not to allow anger to control me; that I would be an obedient son to my parentsÑbut mostly, that I would be obedient to God.
Although we continued to go to our old church, my parents were aware that I continued worshiping and resting on the seventh-day Sabbath. I kept praying every single day, that God would help us keep studying the Bible with brother Omari.
Day by day, week by week, my prayers grew bigger. I boldly started claiming the Bible promise of Acts 16:31, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.
Finally, my prayers were answered! After a gap of several months, brother Omari and his wife came to visit and worship with us. I was overjoyed and thanked God for hearing and answering my prayers! By the grace of God, after the worship, my parents and I recommitted ourselves to learning all Bible truths. We also began praying more together for the salvation of the rest of our family.
Praise the Lord! Finally, I and nine members of our family have now been baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church. My family and I are just so thankful to God. He heard and answered our prayers and allowed us to learn great and precious truths from the Bible.
Please pray for my family and our small community, so we may continue to draw closer to God and become stronger in the faith. I am also grateful and thankful to brother Omari and his wife for not giving up on us; and for all their prayers, visits, and Bible studies to prepare us for baptism. We thank you and the ministries that help support so our area. We are now actively sharing the Bible Truths with others to draw them closer to Jesus too.
Will you keep praying for the gospel spread in Muslim-majority countries and around the world?
I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to My voice, and there shall be one flock and one Shepherd John 10:16
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