Apr 10, 2024 From Doubt to Devotion

The tranquil countryside of Tararang Village, Indonesia, is home to Edward and his family. As a gardener and rice farmer, Edward’s days are filled with the rhythms of nature and the responsibilities of nurturing both crops and children. Beyond his agricultural duties, Edward is a man of deep faith, often found reading the Bible, seeking to understand it more fully.

One day, Edward was reading the Bible and stumbled upon the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:8. Edward shared, “At first I thought that the Sabbath was Sunday, which is the day I’ve always set aside to worship God. However, after reading the details of this text, it was like a big question arose in me. So, I was determined to find the truth regarding God’s Sabbath.”

Shortly after this discovery, Edward’s prayers would be answered in a powerful way. Seventh-day Adventist gospel workers arrived in a nearby village to conduct evangelistic meetings. Edward felt the Holy Spirit drawing him to the meetings, and Edward saw this as a sign to explore further. He brought his family along to the meetings where they learned enlightening teachings on the Sabbath that resonated deeply with Edward’s initial questions.

By the end of the meetings, Edward and his family were so moved by the biblical truths they learned, they decided to dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ and join the Seventh-day Adventist Church through baptism. This new path, however, was not without its challenges. Edward’s family faced social ostracism and economic hardships, further complicated by his eldest son’s ultimatum: return to their previous church or lose his support and face familial disownment.

Confronted with the daunting prospect of economic ruin and losing a relationship with his son, Edward reluctantly reverted to his former religious practices. Yet, this compromise brought neither the promised economic aid nor familial peace. Instead, Edward’s family struggles intensified, marked by illness and unfulfilled promises from his son.

This period of hardship led Edward to deep introspection, realizing the true cost of his decisions. Edward confided remorsefully, “I realized I chose the wrong path. I let go of Jesus, putting my son and money above Him.” Yet, instead of succumbing to despair, Edward saw an opportunity for redemption, and by God’s grace, Edward and his family returned to their faith in Christ and His Holy Word.

Years passed, and when gospel workers visited Tararang again, Edward welcomed their support and guidance. Their visits, Bible studies and prayers further renewed his family’s faith. Edward and his family rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Praise God!

Through ups and downs, Jesus never abandoned Edward and his family. Edward’s testimony is a powerful reminder that we serve a God of mercy and second chances.

“And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.” Luke 22:31-32

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