Apr 17, 2019 From Maasi warrior to Jesus warrior
Joshua is from Sekinani, a small village near the Maasai Mara Game park gate in Kenya. He was raised steeped in Maasai warrior culture. Even at the young age of 26, Joshua has four wives and eighteen children! They live in a small mud hut, called a manyatta, in their village homestead.
I first saw Joshua during a 21-week evangelism series in Sekinani. He came daily, watching and listening, but remaining far away from the rest of the audienceÑ his arrows, spear, sword and other traditional Maasai weapons always at the ready.
Often, members of our AY group would walk out to Joshua and invite him to join us in the meetings. He would refuse. Then one day, he asked if Maasai people were attending. He was assured that indeed they were. This time, he accepted the invitation to join–but had one condition. He said must be allowed to carry the weapons to the meeting because Maasai warrior’s are never to leave their weapons behind.
Joshua and his Maasai weapons joined the next meeting. Our team had the rare opportunity to share the love of Jesus with this warrior. We told him that Jesus needed him to be His warrior! And to our delight, Joshua put down his earthly weapons and took up the cross of Jesus through baptism!
Today, Joshua is a representative for Jesus and a member of our AY ministry in Maasailand. He is deeply respected within the community. The Tombe team pooled their money and bought Joshua a bicycle which he rides to far away areas, often crossing paths with dangerous lions, elephants and other animals! Joshua has already helped plant two churches in two communities. He is grateful to be a warrior of Jesus Christ instead of a Maasai warrior.
Ronald Nyabinge
Tombe Adventist Youth Ministry
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