Jun 19, 2024 God Pods in Ghana

With 36 different languages and a 32.5%* literacy rate, on top of poverty, how can Northern Ghana be reached for Christ?

These just a couple of the many challenges in Northern Ghana that stand in the way of spreading of the gospel. However, Jesus says, “But with God all things are possible!” Matthew 19:26. Through prayer and perseverance, Quiet Hour Ministries answered God’s call to reach His precious children.

QHM had been coordinating with international partners, in preparation for a mission trip with gospel worker support before and afterwards, serving Tamale, Ghana. And, thanks to the God Pods, they have made the people in Tamale a bit more reachable.

“They can’t read, they can’t write. How then are we to reach them about Christ?” Asks Pastor George Amouzou, president of the North Ghana Mission. “They can’t read for themselves to establish the truth. The people in the north are deeply involved in Islam; they are not ready to be a part of any public evangelism or evangelistic campaign.”

While 47% of Ghana as a whole is Christian, the Northern Region is 80% Muslim, while only 18% are Christian. Many have overlooked this mission field due to its many challenges, but that makes the work we do even more important.

Due to the region being predominantly Muslim, it is very obvious in the community who is a Christian and who is not. Therefore, it’s also very easy to notice when Muslim people are joining a Christian service. For some Muslim families, their beliefs run so deep that if a family member becomes Christian, they might cut off all support, leaving a new believer entirely on their own.

Some of our evangelism sites reported that during the meetings, they’d see community elders coming, pulling individuals out of the meetings, and walking away with them. Some saw parents peeking through the doorway, looking for their kids and taking them home before the program was over.

“Tamale in the north is the stronghold of Islam in all of Ghana,” explains Pastor George. “So they [residents] do not want to come openly to our meetings, where we preach Jesus Christ. They are interested but prefer to stay in their homes and hear the word.”

That’s where the God Pods come in.

Through your donations, QHM supplied 1000 God Pods to the North Ghana Mission each including the entire Bible in 5 local dialects as well as in English. These God Pods are solar powered, waterproof, and easy to use.

God Pods have been essential in sharing the Gospel with the people of Tamale.

Thanks to these God Pods, now those who cannot read, can learn the truth for themselves without having to rely on others. And those who are hesitant being seen learning about Christianity can do it from the comfort and security of their homes.

“We pray this new technology will help us bring more souls to Christ,” said Pastor George. “We are sharing these cautiously, to ensure the audio Bibles go to people who are willing to listen,” continued Pastor George.

“On Sabbath, we baptized 23 precious souls,” said Pastor George. “And next Sabbath, about another 23 or 24, so this evangelism effort will already have 50 baptisms. Let me tell you, for the next two or three months, we’ll still be baptizing… Even beyond that, we’ll still be baptized as fruits of this current evangelism. Praise God!”

In such a difficult mission field, Pastor George said, “One of the retired ministers said that in the North, if you baptize one, it’s equal to 50, but some other pastors might say if you baptize one, it’s equal to 100.”

The Seventh-day Adventist message arrived in Tamale in 1968, so it is considered to be a relatively new religion to this region. Fortunately, the Adventist Church has an undeniably positive reputation in the community. However, there’s still much ground to cover, and there are still so many who don’t know Jesus.

God’s Word says in Isaiah 55:11, “So is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Will you join us in praying that God’s Spirit would move in Ghana? And that His Word would inspire hearts and minds with faith in Jesus Christ? May God bless and protect this precious work in Northern Ghana.

*Statistic from the Complementary Education Agency of Ghana

Click to view: Photo Gallery: Tamale, Ghana 2024

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