Jan 31, 2024 God Sees, Cares and Heals

“No one cares about me,” thought Joshua, his head pounding from heavy drinking the night before. Now sober, Joshua was forced to face reality. He retraced his steps that had led him down this depressing path of self-medicating and addiction.

Joshua grew up in a large family that had a lot of challenges. He was the second eldest of 11 siblings. With so many siblings, everything had to be shared—food, rooms, clothes, toys, bikes, attention. Joshua often felt overlooked compared to his younger siblings.

As Joshua got older, he made friends with others who also wanted to avoid the chaos of their home lives. Joshua and his friends would drink alcohol and experiment with drugs for fun, but mostly to escape their negative feelings. He never considered that these behaviors would lead to dependence on substances.

Living on his own as a young adult, Joshua found himself in a downward cycle of addiction and depression.

“Where are you God? Do you care?” frustrated, Joshua would often ask this question, feeling God was distant and uncaring. But little did he realize that God would indeed answer his angry, rhetorical question—and He would answer with love and compassion.

One day, a church member visited Joshua’s home, inviting him to a weekly dinner and small group Bible study. Joshua was curious, since this new friend seemed to sincerely care about him. Joshua accepted the invitation, thinking this could be a better friend group, and get him away from his feelings of hopelessness.

Surprisingly, Joshua felt so welcomed and supported by this new friend group. They were interested in his life, prayed for him and encouraged him. And, most importantly, Joshua learned that the Lord loves him deeply and personally—his tears, even his hairs are numbered! As Joshua began to trust Jesus, and spend time in His Word and in prayer, he felt the cloud of his depression lifting.

When the QHM evangelistic meetings started at the GMA Central SDA Church, Joshua was ready to attend with his friends. He attended every meeting faithfully, and even helped the deacons set up. One evening, when the call for baptism came, Joshua could feel the Holy Spirit calling to his heart. He came to the front for prayer, wanting to fully dedicate his life to the Lord! Praise God!

Joshua started his new life in Christ, baptized by Pastor Jermaine Gayle, the speaker for the GMA Central SDA Church. Joshua is now freed from the bondage of addiction through the love and power of Jesus Christ. He continues to be involved in the small group Bible studies, and he also shares his testimony with others so they learn to trust God’s love for them too.

Will you please pray for all who are hurting, who need the healing love of Jesus?

Jesus taught, God notices every sparrow, every detail of our lives, “And not one [sparrow] is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7

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