Jan 15, 2025 How Radio Changed a Heart and Home

Every week, Mrs. Simfukwe faithfully walks the familiar path to the Seventh-day Adventist Church near her home in Zambia.   

A few paces behind her, her husband, Mr. Simfukwe, follows—not with the intent to join her in worship but to try to stop her.   

His frustration and anger grow with each step, and each week, he chased after her, shouting hurtful and abusive words. These outbursts sometimes occurred in front of other church members, leaving Mrs. Simfukwe humiliated and heartbroken.  

But she never gave in. To her, her faith meant more, so all she could do was pray for her husband.   

Mr. Simfukwe, a member of a different Christian denomination, simply could not understand why his wife remained so devoted to the Seventh-day Adventist faith.   

Their disagreement continued to create a great divide between them. Mr. Simfukwe’s frustration reached a breaking point, and he threatened divorce, unable to comprehend why his wife could not simply abandon her faith and follow his wishes.  

Despite it all, God quietly worked in the background on Mr. Simfukwe’s heart.  

Thanks to the support of our incredible donors, we have a large project in progress in North Zambia, utilizing eleven different radio stations across the region to air a program based on the everlasting gospel and the three Angels’ message.   

Because of this project, 405 souls, including Mr. Simfukwe, were baptized. These baptisms are not just numbers; they represent real lives changed by the power of the gospel.   

His wife would be listening in their home and because it was played over the radio, he too would listen to the message and began to understand why his wife was so passionate about her faith.   

After listening to the radio program for a considerable amount of time, he decided that the message was the truth.  

In every country and community where we work, we must adapt our approach to meet the unique needs of the people we serve.   

Literacy is often a significant barrier, but we can reach people who might not otherwise have access to the Word through initiatives like our remote radio evangelism programs. By broadcasting the gospel in local languages like Bemba and Mambwe, we ensure that the message is not just heard but understood.  

The impact of this project has been felt far beyond the Simfukwe family.   

It has strengthened their marriage, brought the gospel to countless others, and helped fulfill the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. People are hearing the Word of God in their mother tongue, and they are responding with open hearts.   

Through these efforts, lives are being transformed, and the Kingdom of God is growing. 

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