Mar 6, 2024 I Have Decided

“I’ve seen so much on this mission trip, things I’ve never seen before,” confided Valentine. “This is my first time on a mission trip, and it has been such a life-changing experience, so much so that I am already trying to figure out which one I will go on next.”

Valentine and the mission team were sharing their stories from their visitations, and they talked about their experiences in Cambodia. For several team members, it’s their first time in Southeast Asia, and for many, their first time experiencing such heartbreaking poverty. Factors such as economy, infrastructure, corruption, education and access to basic resources, all compound upon life’s challenges for Cambodians.

For visitations, everyone was partnered up with a Cambodian team member or gospel worker to help with translation. Everyone took time to pray together before going to visit the neighborhoods.

“The people here have really touched my heart,” said Valentine. “I had no idea what to expect on our visitations, but one woman in particular stood out.”

“When I first saw her,” Valentine said, his voice cracking, “I was almost about to burst into tears, but held it in. She was walking out to meet us at the door, but I noticed her walk was unusual. Then I saw that her foot was turned on its side, so she was walking on the side of her foot rather than the sole of it.”

After a pause, he continued, “We took some time to talk with her, and invite her to our programs. At the end of our visit, we asked if there was anything she would like us to pray for her. She asked for us to pray for her sister’s clothing shop, that she could sell more to provide for their needs. So, we prayed.

“To see the struggle here with a lot of the people in Cambodia is so humbling. They are very independent; they try to make it on their own. I see they want to be self-sufficient, because who else is going to do it for them?

“They have to find ways to make money, some way or another, just to barely make ends meet. I’ve never seen this kind of perseverance and poverty combined in my life. I’ve traveled to other countries, but this was my first mission trip.”

At the close of the sharing time, Valentine talked about his convictions for going on future mission trips. And several others shared similar sentiments too.

“After our visitations, I really thought and prayed. I told myself, I have to come back again. And I’ll be ready and prepared this time. I want to help these precious people, not just by praying but in tangible ways, and financially. Some of them are really in desperate need of things: the shacks they live in, clean water, food, transportation, and everything else they struggle with.

“I said to myself, and I appeal to each of you: God needs people who will go, who will reach out and find those in need, who are struggling—to tell them there is a God. That God loves them and cares about them.

“So, I have decided that missionary work would be my future, for the rest of the time God gives me on this Earth,” said Valentine. “That is going to be my future.”

“Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.’” Matthew 25:37-40

» Click to view the photo gallery for Siem Reap, Cambodia

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