Aug 10, 2022 Light in the Darkness
Thank you for being an answer to my prayers, a light in a time of hopelessness, said Tom* a newly baptized believer. Tom lives with his family in a country that is not welcoming to Christianity. He, like many others in the region, has been going through difficult times facing family illness and loss of work. Your gifts supporting our international gospel workers made it possible for light to reach Tom in a dark country.
At the end of 2021, Tom’s neighbors connected him to our Christian outreach program through food and literature distributions. Gospel workers and church members reached out to their community, building friendships and finding out about their needs. They would intentionally visit, encourage and pray with them. They sought out people who are hungry and thirsty for the word of God, for hope. More and more people are searching for hope in Jesus Christ during this time of the global crisis. As the friendships and Bible studies developed, Quiet Hour Ministries and our international partners launched a series of evangelistic meetings.
We were overwhelmed by the response! Thousands of people attended these meetings and got to know more about Jesus and the three angels’ messages! Praise God! People were more receptive and inquisitive to learn more about what the Bible says about last day’s events. They want to hear about the second coming of Jesus Christ to prepare themselves and others for it. From these meetings, 30 precious souls committed their lives to Christ in baptism, and many more began or continued Bible studies. These baptisms were a result of previous spiritual seed planting work in this area and the follow-up work and Bible Studies that had been done with them by the local SDA Church pastor and gospel workers.
At the beginning of 2022, another series of evangelistic meetings was held. Again, thousands of people attended the meetings, proclaiming Jesus Christ as our Savior and soon second coming. Seven brave believers took a stand for Jesus in baptism. For many, choosing to follow Jesus means family challenges and hardships. For John* his decision to be baptized came after one and a half years of Bible study and friendship with a QHM gospel worker.
Sam* my friend, and gospel worker, kept visiting me and studying the Bible with me, shared John. After receiving studying for a long time with Sam, I was convinced that the true method of baptism is by immersion as it is the only form of baptism that is according to the Bible. I had a strong conviction to be baptized by immersion to publicly express my acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of my life.
John has now become an active church member in the new church plant. He has learned the importance of tithe and also he’s now reaching out to others just as Sam reached out to him. John is now an inspiration to this church group through his example of faith and friendship, but he’s praying earnestly for one thing.
Every single day, I pray, asking God for the funds we need for a church building, said John. I’m praying that all the Christians and those seeking God’s truth living in this community could come and worship together in our future SDA Church building. I pray we could all study together and learn the Biblical Truths, like I did. I’m praying God would work through us to inspire others to become a part of the great remnant movement of preparing many others in these last days of the world for the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Praise God! John is on fire for Jesus! He is actively sharing the same Bible truths that changed his life and relationship with Jesus.
Following these multiple series of evangelistic meetings, QHM and our international partners are praying and planning for several church plants. Will you join us in praying for the gospel to spread, especially in countries that are not open to Christianity?
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5
*Names have been changed
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