Dec 22, 2021 Longing for More in Bolivia
Hola! Evaristo, let’s go play tejo at the bar! We need you as score keeper! Evaristo often joined his friends, but more and more he felt empty.
Grabbing a score card and his beer, Evaristo watched his friends throw their tejo discs towards the gunpowder loaded target.
BANG! His friends cheered as another tejo hit the target.
BANG! A friend shouted, Hey, the more I drink the better I get!
BANG! What am I doing with my life? thought Evaristo. His heart was longing for something more, but he didn’t know what. He felt like he was wasting his time. Was this routine of work and weekends all there is to life?
But, God had other plans, and in the following months, Evaristo had to move to a rural location. Away from friends and distractions, he started thinking about his childhood growing up in an Adventist church. A desire sparked in him to return to his roots, and Evaristo started attending the local Adventist church. The members soon became like family. They supported their members and had genuine care for their community. God was transforming Evaristo’s life. Now, instead of drinking, he has a desire to study the Bible and spend time with his church friends.
Old acquaintances also noticed this change in him. One day, Evaristo had to return to his old stomping grounds for work. He set up his radio, as usual, to listen to sermons and started his project. One of his old drinking buddies came and had several conversations with him. After some days, the friend commented that Everisto had changed. His friend asked what had brought about this difference and expressed that he also would like to experience a life shift. He ended up borrowing Evaristo’s radio and has continued to listen to the sermons.
I’m so thankful God called me back, shared Evaristo. I really pray to have the mind of Christ and view each person as someone we might reach for God’s kingdom. In fact, God continues to lead me to people in amazing ways!
Evaristo shared how he and his family met a woman at the park. She was sitting on a bench, reading the Bible on her phone. She was confused about what she was reading and was trying to make sense of it. Evaristo, by divine appointment, was passing by and asked what had her so intrigued on her phone. She shared that she was reading Revelation 14, but she didn’t understand. Evaristo began talking with her and through their discussion, things became clear to the women. She said, It finally makes sense to me. Since their meeting, the words of Revelation 14:12 have completely changed her life. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. She is eager to continue Bible studies and has been receiving two lessons a day. After her studies, she returns home and shares the lesson with her children. Already, she has become a missionary to her own family!
Evaristo, his wife Marcela, and their daughter Marcelita, live in a small town. It is a rural area that is very culturally diverse. Most people are farmers; some of their crops includes apples, guava, papaya, potatoes, and maize.
His wife, Marcela, joins him in travel and they work and witness as a family. Evaristo is a soldering technician and independent contractor. He often travels to different areas for work.
An average day starts at 5am, meeting with other church members for a prayer session via zoom. Family worship follows at 7:30am, then they head off to work. While working, he is able to talk with his clients and set an atmosphere for spiritual discussion. He views every client as a person that can be reached for God and a potential citizen of heaven.
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7
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