Dec 30, 2020 Looking back, looking forward with Elizabeth and Freddy
Many team members go on one or more mission trip per year! That has not been possible this year but they’re still part of the amazing QHM team. Here are thoughts from two more amazing people.
What has been your greatest blessing from 2020?
Freddy: For me, 2020 has stopped us and made us really think about where we’re at. We’ve had the blessing of time to strengthen our family ties. This year has really put things in perspectiveÑour relationships and what’s truly important.
Elizabeth: This year God brought me faithfully through cancerÑnow I’m clear and in remission! Through all this, God has called me to a full surrender of my life in His service.
How do you think missions will continue to move forward?
Elizabeth: We have to focus on the positive things we can do. We have to focus on where we’re at spiritually before we can minister to others. Focus on our family. I’m praying and asking God how He wants to lead me and my family. God in His great mercy, He has given us time. And the mission must move forward. But how will depend on the region. In some areas, they don’t have electricity or internet. We should be looking for an opening whenever we can travel and share. We can’t stop missions. We should continue even if it’s hard. But the bigger question is: do we have faith to go?
Freddy: A lot of countries have unique needs. It could even go beyond the QHM Cares projects. Funds are one thing, but what if they need training? It’s not just about the sending people, it’s about the message.
What are your thoughts about missions in 2021?
Elizabeth: I already signed up to serve again with QHM in 2021. When I went to Cuba in early 2020, I saw how hungry people were for God’s Word. We were handing out Bibles, and when we ran out, people were crying, in literal tears. Here in the US, do we value God’s Word like that? I told God, if you get me through cancer and chemo, I will go in 2021 to inspire others that God is our Healer and Provider. I just want to praise and thank God for 2020! Those who have a heart to goÑgo! Experience for yourself the power of prayer and God’s healing. I hope my testimony inspires others to fully surrender their lives to the Lord, to trust Him fully. Faith overcomes fear!
Freddy: The time has come for Christians to stand up and tell the world, Jesus IS coming. Jesus is literally coming very, very soon!
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