Oct 27, 2021 Mongolia Soup Kitchen Update

In Mongolia, mission is moving forward despite challenges! Pastor Bold’s letter with updates shows how dedicated the church in Mongolia is to reaching their community’s needs. As you read his letter, please pray for the people of Mongolia, and if you’re able to, please support God’s work around the world.

The situation with Covid has altered our lifestyle and things are not going as we had planned. In April, the new cases climbed to 300 and long lockdowns were issued. We were thinking that by July things would have improved, but the situation is actually worse. Nowadays, the new daily cases are over 2,000 a day with the number of deaths rising. On June 20, 2021, Mongolia overtook China in the number of Covid cases, becoming the third most affected country in East Asia. It is the most affected country in East Asia, after Japan and South Korea. As of August 25, there are over 200,000 cases in the country.

 We have been able to bring some relief to families in need, but due to the pandemic and continued restrictions, it has been difficult for us to proceed with the original plans for outreach. The government has not allowed the Mongolia Mission to proceed with the plans to develop a soup kitchen. While our initial plan involved feeding the needy, we also wanted to provide social and spiritual support.

During 2021, church members used a portion of QHM Cares funds to provide food care packages. We conducted a survey and identified struggling families. After some visitations, we located needy children in single family homes. We had a burden for these children and provided some food along with a few school supplies. A children’s book distribution was also launched during this time. 

We have continued to find ways to accomplish the work we set out to do. But until the government allows for the soup kitchen, we are moving forward with a modified approach. We are collaborating with a local restaurant to prepare meals. Working with the government, we can distribute food tickets and ready-made meals. Because of these changes, we have had to reduce the amount of people being served each weekend. The QHM funds will allow us to pursue this plan for at least a four-month period.

Church members are actively supporting this effort with their time and funds. Due to church member donations, we have been able to replace the funds used during the interim period for the food distribution and activities referenced earlier. Praise the Lord! We are hoping and praying that local members will continue to support this effort even after the initial startup period.

Volunteer bible workers will be connecting with those who receive their meals and will pursue Bible studies. Books, Bible study guides and other resources will be provided to those interested. Let’s continue to pray that the work in Mongolia will be effective in meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of those they encounter.

Pastor Bold Batsukh

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40

Please keep praying for believers in Mongolia as they continue to serve their community. Pray that God would open a way for them to have an even greater impact for good.

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward them for what they have done.

Proverbs 19:18

Wake Up: When have you felt the most “alive?” Modern day lessons from the church at Sardis ask us to wake up and be fully alive for God.

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