Jan 20, 2021 Ready and Willing: Sharing Jesus around the world

“Here I am, Lord, send me.”

What a simple little statement. One easy to utter, but much harder to follow up with action! Jonah learned this lesson the hard way. He loved the idea of being sent on God’s errands. Still, in reality, his heart wasn’t so keen on it being to wherever God chose, especially to Ninevah of all places!

It’s easy to get excited about the idea of sharing Jesus. But it’s always a little challenging to actually go do it! So what gives someone the courage and the will to do it? And what do those called to international missions do during a pandemic?

Team member Mariah Scarlett says that how you serve depends on how the Lord is calling you. For her, that is going on international missions. “Even now, I’m ready to go,” she says. “Some people might not be receptive to serving internationally. And although I do not put myself in situations of intentional danger, I believe that life’s too short to not do something for the Lord.”

Mariah notes that while this year has been complicated for international missions, He is working all things together for good. “I feel this pandemic has been the Lord’s way of letting us know that we’ve got to get the word out. Jesus is coming again very soon!”

May Forshee is a team leader and has served in Thailand, Panama, Colombia, India, Ethiopia, Bosnia, Indonesia and more. She says that despite the pandemic, she is ready to go as soon as she can. “Let me know when I can start packing my bags to go again!” She says, “Right now, many countries are still closed. But by God’s grace, we’ll be ready to go as soon as they open!”

Until then, May says that it has given her time to pray about what God wants her to do in the future. “This time has actually strengthened my desire to go back and continue to serve around the world!”

Joe Farah is also inspired to be a team member on international missions. “I would like to go on a mission trip as soon as possible and am hoping to serve in Guatemala soon. But things are changing so quickly,” he says. “We don’t know what this year holds. The good thing is that we have had more time for prayer and more time to seek Him.”

Joe also sees how faithfully God is working in hearts right now. He shares a story about Hulk Hogan, who he remembers being a big deal when he was young. “I remember him saying, ‘Say your prayers, take your vitamins,'” Joe laughs. “But I was surprised recently to hear Hogan talking about the pandemic saying that God had taken away everything that we falsely worshipÑour sports arenas, clothing stores, concertsÑall the things that distract us have been closed.'”

“It’s amazing that although God is not the author of evil or disease,” Joe says. “He has used the pandemic to catch our attention.”

Carol Hargreaves may be 80, but that is only a number when you are serving the Lord. While she is doing her part to be careful and stay healthy, she knows that staying in touch with brothers and sisters worldwide lifts everyone’s spirits. “We share ideas about how God’s work can move forward and how we can use funds more efficiently,” she says. “Some people may feel stuck right now, but God is not stuck. He is not limited and continues to move mightily in answer to our prayers. We may not see answers right away, but He is there!”

Our friend and colleague, Jim Neergaard, embodied this spirit of missions. For decades he served people all over the world, sharing the love of Jesus with everyone he met. He joyfully approached every mission trip with confidence in and devotion to his Savior. He lost his battle with COVID-19 this month, but his passion for service remains an inspiration and model of what it means to go on God’s errands. When there was work to be done, Jim always replied, “Here I am, send me.” 

Sharing Jesus around the world may look and feel different right now. But God is still calling you to be prepared to go. Until then, your gifts to QHM CaresÑReaching across borders supports our brothers and sisters throughout the world as they share Jesus with friends and neighbors in their communities.

Before you know it, we will return to working alongside our brothers and sisters near and far. When He calls, will you answer, “Here I am, send me?”

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