Feb 2, 2022 Ready for a New Start?
Please come visit our free health clinic! Have you heard about New Start? Stunned, Amy looked at the pastor’s wife who invited her. That phrase New Start jolted her to attention. Amy had just been thinking about wanting a new start for her life! Surprised and excited, she followed the pastor and his wife inside for a free health check-up. This simple, friendly invitation was the turning-point for Amy’s lifeÑand for the lives of many others in Uruguay.
In La Paz and El Dorodo regions, the churches have been active and creative in sharing the gospel. Months prior to the health clinics and evangelism, church members and gospel workers had been busy reaching out to their communities’ needs and giving Bible studies. Pastor Jorge Wiebusch, President of the Uruguayan Union, welcomed the Evangelism month, and encouraged total member involvement. In anticipation of the harvest and with earnest prayer, the El Dorado & La Paz churches had great support from the congregation and new believers.
Biblical instructors responded to first time visitors and shared missionary books. Participants, leaders and staff supported the health clinics. Church members invited their neighbors to the free clinic and meetings; they tried to find practical ways to encourage and support their friends. These positive outreach activities inspired the neighboring churches in Canelones, Vinas de Rio and Vista Linda as well.
Church members delivered clothing and food, and also offered spiritual uplifting through prayer and sharing God’s word through Bible studies and booklets. Believers discovered that the more care and visits with their neighbors, meeting their practical and social needs, the more open their hearts towards the gospel. Members found this exactly in harmony with this Spirit of Prophecy principle
Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with people as one who desired their good. He showed sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He invited them, Follow Me.
We need to come close to the people by personal effort. If we would give less time to sermonizing and more time to personal ministry, greater results would be seen. The poor are to be relieved, the sick cared for, the sorrowing and the bereaved comforted, the ignorant instructed, the inexperienced counseled. We are to weep with those who weep and to rejoice with those who rejoice. Accompanied by the power of persuasion, the power of prayer, the power of the love of God, this work will not, cannot, be without fruit. ÑMinistry of Health and Healing, 73
Amy’s heart was touched by the care and support from the SDA church family in La Paz, and she continued attending the evening meetings. She was drawn by the matchless love of Jesus Christ, and she, along with several others requested Bible studies, and preparation for baptism.
Praise God! In less than a few months from the start of the evangelistic meetingsÑ33 precious souls including Amy, have given their lives to Jesus in baptism! And another 64 people who are actively studying the Bible. There are also 25 people who have asked to be visited and have also been coming to church every Sabbath. We’re praying for another 30 to make decisions for Christ by the end of this campaign, by God’s grace.
Praise the Lord for His simple method of friendship evangelism! Kind words of hope. A visit, a prayer. Some food and encouragement. Sincere care and clothing. May the believers in Uruguay hear the beautiful words from Jesus one day, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40.
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