Sep 27, 2023 Reclaiming Peace
“What kind of Christian are you?” asked Mikha. “How do you worship? By jumping around, screaming, or speaking a language you don’t understand?”
As Mikha asked these rapid-fire questions, they gave Paul a glimpse into Mikha’s spiritual journey.
Mikha grew up in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia and had a difficult youth. He fell into a bad crowd of friends, and they influenced one another to develop a love of pleasure, impatience, and a bad temper. Mikha then got involved in an illegal business, and because of this he was imprisoned, serving a sentence of 10 months.
As Mikha reflected on his life in prison, he met a Seventh-day Adventist pastor who regularly held Christian services for inmates. The pastor’s personality and messages during worship services moved Mikha’s heart. And, praise God! although he was still in prison, Mikha made a commitment to Jesus and was baptized as a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. As Mikha finished his prison sentence, he was hopeful that he would have a fresh start in life.
After prison, Mikha married and started a new business. His wife was a Christian, but Mikha felt restless when he attended her church’s services, like something was missing. Mikha shared his feelings with his wife, and she was supportive as they visited other Christian churches. But still Mikha didn’t have full peace. As life went on, Mikha decided to focus on his career.
Mikha busied himself with work, and finally he began to see some financial success and stability. But sadly, even with the success Mikha’s heart was still troubled. His anxiety worsened, and Mikha would use alcohol and drugs to try and find peace. But this only led to more problems in his personal and family life.
Mikha tried going back to church with his wife, but he struggled with the worship services, not finding any relief for the burdens on his heart and mind. If the service topic seemed irrelevant to him, Mikha would spend more time in the church parking lot instead of inside, waiting for his wife and the service to finish. Deep down, Mikha wanted the feeling of closeness and peace that he once had with Jesus, but now, how could he find it? Unbeknownst to Mikha, his sighs were still prayers the Lord understood—and was indeed answering.
That summer, a vendor named Paul came to Mikha’s business to present some products. As they talked and got to know each other more, Mikha asked about Paul’s beliefs.
In response to “What kind of Christian are you?” and all the questions about his worship style, Paul shared his testimony. Paul said that he was a member of the Adventist church, and the way he worshiped was not the way Mikha had described. After hearing Paul’s answers, Mikha was convinced that this was the Christian denomination he had known while in prison. Mikha remembered his commitment to the Lord in baptism, and he was determined to return to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
When Mikha spoke with his wife about meeting Paul that day, she was cautiously hopeful. She assured Mikha she would support him in his spiritual journey.
As Mikha renewed his relationship with the Lord, he decided to be rebaptized. He could feel God’s leading in his life, and Mikha once again felt the amazing peace he had when he first believed. Mikha’s new church family was also supporting him as he came back to the Lord and to His church. And, after hearing his amazing testimony of God’s pursuing love, Mikha was baptized by Pastor Lisupadang, the SDA Mission President of Luwu Tana Toraja. Praise God!
Mikha’s wife continues to support his faith in attending church with him. She has also promised if she saw positive changes in his life, she would join the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Will you pray God touches her heart as she studies the end-time Bible truths of Revelation and Daniel?
Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Luke 15:3-7
Will you please pray for those who have drifted away from the Lord? Pray that the Holy Spirit would touch their hearts and minds. Pray that God would send people into their lives like he did in Mikha’s testimony.
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