Aug 4, 2021 Revival in Kenya
Before I met Jesus, I lived my life selfishly: focusing on myself, my personal gain and glory. I acted as though I was God, in control of my own life, shares Cicilia.
But now that I’ve given my life to Jesus, I see that I tied my identity and personal value to my own achievements. This way of thinking seems to be fine, as long as everything is going well in those areas of your life. But when your achievements go down, failing exams, losing success in sports, and failing at your goalsÑthen who am I? Let me tell you, your world comes crashing down around you when these things fall apart.
Today, I have found that the only place where I am truly known, truly found and truly loved is in the hands of God. I just praise God for all He has done in my life. I’m so thankful for these evangelism meetings in the Maasai area, and that I was able to be baptized here. I really can’t thank God enough for this wonderful event. It’s my prayer that the Adventist church will keep growing in the Samplai village and all throughout Massailand.
God gently shows us that our abilities do not determine our worth. God sees infinite value in each and every soul He came to save. Hundreds are finding their true identity in Christ. Cicilia is  one of many whose hearts have been drawn to Jesus.
Another person who was baptized from the meetings in Samplai is Jackson. I can’t say how thankful I am to be baptized today and what a blessing it is to share my experience with so many, said Jackson. I got baptized along with six other people from Maasai Manyatta near Samplai village. Our whole experience is just amazing. It is the beginning of a renewal of life and commitment to following Jesus. I believe it is following Him and His path for my life that I have been needing for a long time.
Ronald Nyabinge, the director of a Kenyan youth ministry team, is overjoyed with how the Holy Spirit has been touching hearts through these meetings. From their evening attendance records, they’ve had over a hundred people in attendance every evening! He estimates that they reached over 500 peopleÑ150 at the meetings, and hundreds more through door-to-door visitation.
Praise the Lord! We just can’t thank God enough for bringing so many people to our meetings, says Ronald, We gave out 400 Bibles, 125 made decisions for baptism and more than 100 more individuals requested Bible studies. God is good! Please keep them all in prayer.
It feels like my past guilt, shame, and sorrows have been washed away, and God has used this to show me that I am whole and holy, and most of all, that I am His son, adds Jackson I know that from today onwards, my life in God is different as I now walk with Him. Amen.
Inspiration Moment: Muscle Memory
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