Oct 4, 2023 Secret Listener
In Mitú, Columbia, Quiet Hour Ministries gospel workers, Miguel and Cristian, led Bible studies in the home of Marcy and her brother, Airtón.
Each week while Marcy looked forward to the Bible study, her brother Airtón was indifferent. He stayed in his bedroom while the group gathered in the living room to discuss Biblical truths such as the Sabbath, the state of the dead, and the second coming of Christ.
Weeks passed until one day as the gospel workers arrived to lead the study, Airtón greeted them at the front door.
After talking a bit, they asked Airtón, “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to join us tonight for Bible study?” To their surprise, Airtón replied, “Yes.”
As they were waiting for the others to arrive, the gospel workers gave Airtón a quick overview of all the lessons, reviewing what Marcy and the others had already learned. But, they were surprised to learn that Airtón already understood the subjects and answered all the questions correctly!
“I’ve been listening from my room,” explained Airtón.
Praise God! The Holy Spirit had already begun to do a marvelous work in Airtón’s heart. With each following Bible study, Airtón became more and more convinced of God’s love and good plans for his life. Even Airtón’s face beamed with the joy of his Savior, who he felt was transforming his life. And on top of that—he no longer had the desire to drink alcohol or live a worldly life!
As Airtón and his sister Marcy grew in the faith, Airtón told her that he wanted to start changing his life, and commit all of his career and life to the Lord. Everything from his studies, work and even his social time. They prayed together and put their lives and future’s in God’s hands.
As Airtón was finishing up his studies as a pharmacy tech, he heard about some evening meetings with the SDA Conference Pastor would be speaking. Pr. Mera had heard about Airtón and his sister Marcy, so he visited them making an appeal to give their lives to Jesus in baptism. Praise the Lord! Airtón made the decision to be baptized! However, when Airtón shared this with his sister, she seemed hesitant about being baptized. Airtón encouraged her and prayed for her. He understood Marcy was still in the valley of decision.
The following week, at the close of the evangelistic meetings, Airtón was buried in the waters of baptism—and raised into his new life with Christ! And, being inspired by her brother’s bold example, Marcy also decided to be baptized too a few weeks following!
Praise God for this amazing testimony of how God’s Spirit is moving, even before we realize it!
Today, Airtón and Marcy encourage each other in their walk with the Lord, and are serving Him in the church and in their small groups. They’re both receiving post-baptismal Bible studies so they can help bring more souls to Christ.
Please pray for new believers like Airtón and Marcy, that the Holy Spirit would continue to empower them to show the love of God to their family and friends.
Jesus said, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8.
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Photo Gallery: Cochabamba, Bolivia 2024
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16