Jan 12, 2022 Secret Stories of Underground Outreach Part 1

The city of Ummah* is a large Muslim majority city. Currently, there are no Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Ummah but I praise God for how He is working! We use friendship evangelism and sharing books to interested acquaintances.

One of the first people we met was Hadith*. We met him absolutely by chance, through a person who didn’t even really know him, but learned from someone that he was a person who would like to communicate with Christians.

Hadith was slowly sinking to the social bottom, due to his dependence on alcohol. In the past, he had visited Christian churches, but he also very much holds to Islam, because his ancestors are from the clergy. Based on this and because of his addiction to alcohol, he often gets into trouble. Nevertheless, we hope that he will still open his heart to the influence of God. We know that God is working, because Hadith never refuses to listen to the word of instruction, and reflects on spiritual topics, even though this seems to have little effect on his life. Despite Hadith’s addiction, God has used him as an influence for the gospel, as a conductor for influencing his loved ones.

Hadith’s older sister Rita* is interested in spiritual conversations. Like her brother, Rita also has had experiences of communicating with Christians and churches, but sadly these experiences disappointed her. Nevertheless, she is open for communication with believers.

As we got to know Rita, we began to share some spiritual literature with her, which helped increase her interest in studying the Bible. Through Rita, we’ve been able to reach out to her closest friendsÑand our group grew to six people! All of them are very much interested in spiritual conversations and willingly attend our small group when they’re able.

Rita recently joined us at a Bible camp, which was her first time in an Adventist Christian environment. While at the camp, Rita responded to the call to prepare for baptism, and she even asked how to prepare for it. Thus, she became the first person who not only expressed a desire to follow Christ but has also inspired others along with her. Although Rita also has problems with addiction, we pray that the Lord will give her strength to overcome.

Since the start of my missionary service to Ummah we now have a growing small group! All are from Muslim backgrounds. We used to have meetings on Bible stories three times a week, but because of COVID, we only meet once a week. Through Bible stories, we learn Bible teachings from simple examples of Bible characters. Many of these Bible heroes are familiar to Muslims, so this is even more attractive to them. One of the members of our group wants to study the Bible more deeply, so I teach him additionally on the series of Bible lessons, “This is what the Bible says.” I believe, pray and hope that soon he will devote his life to Jesus! Please pray for this.

Now in the region of Ummah, we have 3 precious souls who have given their lives to Jesus in baptism! Praise God! Will you continue to pray as we share the gospel in Muslim majority countries?

* Names have been changed to protect the individuals.

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24

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