Apr 5, 2018 “She wore a dress, torn and dirty”

The Philippines is hot and sticky. Air is laced with smoke from burning trash. Mosquitos are buzzing around me. Sweat drips down my face onto the dirt path leading to the small church where I am to be the children’s program leader. I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into.

I’m an hour early, but a handful of children are already there to meet me, eager for the program to begin. The children set up their chairs and sit waiting, anticipation written on their faces.

I wonder where they came fromÑonly one or two adults are present. When I ask later, I find out they walked from the neighboring homes, on their own.

The size of the outdoor, one-walled shack, makes me think we have room for about 25-30 children, but 70-80 show up! I panic, until Lyn, my helper, begins leading songs. This is the first night of a week full of high-energy, chaotic crafts and God working.


One little girl in particular, touched me deeply that week. She wore a dress, torn and dirty. Her feet were bare and caked in dust, her hair was matted. When I looked into her watery eyes, they seemed tinged with sadness. What was it about her that captured my heart?

Scanning my memory, I remembered the same expression in a picture I grew up looking at. It was a picture of a little, Filipino girl who, one day, became my aunt.

My beloved aunt, a pillar in our family, grew to raise three successful daughters and supported several of her nieces through college. Her generous spirit and heart of gold has touched and blessed many lives.

Knowing my aunt’s story made me look at that little girl differently. No one knows the future behind the smile or frown of each precious child.

We may never know the impact we make on children in the mission field. The ripple effect from just one child’s influence on the world is unknown.

What a privilege to take part in sharing Jesus. I hope I was able to convey His love to each of those 80 little hearts. Seeing their excited faces each night, reminded me why I came.

Suddenly, the long plane ride and stress became worth it. There is nothing more satisfying than the privilege of sharing God’s love.


Loselie Weber
Philippines Team Member

Missions Minute: Kaitlin Williams

In this Missions Minute, Kaitlin Williams shares what it was like to minister to the kids of Belize!

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