Jul 6, 2022 Sowing Seeds for Christ in Vietnam
We are happy to receive this update from Pastor Khoi Tran about the successful pastoral training program in Vietnam.
Pastor Tran shared, we praise God for His protection and blessings that we were able to complete our pastoral trainings successfully, despite the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic is still affecting our country with thousands of new cases each day. Just several weeks ago, we had the Literature Evangelism meeting. One of them got Covid during the training, and about 10 of them got it one by one as they traveled back to their places! But for this training, so far, all went well, and we are grateful for that.
We had 19 people in training. In fact, there are 20, but one had to return home earlier. They came from 6 different provinces/cities: LamDong, DakLak, QuangNgai, CanTho, BinhPhuoc and TienGiang.
We not only gave them theoretical and doctrinal studies, but practical ones as well. On top of that, each was given 20 missionary books to share with their non-Christian friends when they travel back to their respective places of service.
Since we are living in a high-social-media society, we added the element of digital evangelism. They were taught to make use of their smartphones to share the message of God’s love to others.
Please continue to pray for them as they would put into practice all that they have learned here. Pray for their ministries as well.
We praise God for the strong support we have through QHM and donors. Your gifts have been put to work in sharing the gospel here in Vietnam. We look forward to our continuing partnership with you in this great vineyard of God here.
The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose… For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building. 1 Corinthians 3:7, 9
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