“God Was Knocking on My Heart”
One of the most incredible aspects of going on a mission trip is hearing how God led each team member through a series of events, all converging together on the trip. One story that stood out was Junior’s, the general foreman overseeing the renovation of the Aquilhadas Church in Brazil.…
MoreIt’s never too late to give your life to Him. We saw that firsthand just how true that was in Bolivia. On our mission trips, we make an effort to spend time with the local community where our evening meetings take place. It’s an opportunity for both our team and…
More“The Seventh-day Adventist”
When I lost contact with my parents, I felt abandoned and cried every night in my bed while all my friends in the dormitory slept. My name is Naw Promise. I was born in Myeint City, Myanmar, where I lived with my family. I was first introduced to the Bible…
MorePhoto Gallery: Sergipe, Brazil 2024
Jesus said to His disciples, “Let’s go somewhere else, to the small towns that are nearby. I have to spread the Good News in them also. This is why I have come.” Mark 1:38
More“Your faith in Jesus can illuminate even the darkest situations,” said Grace*, a QHM Gospel worker, as she met with Amina*, a young woman and new believer in a closed country. “Sometimes I feel like a hypocrite,” said Amina, sharing her inner conflict during one of their discreet meetings. “I…
MoreWe Would Never Have Arrived Safely Without It
“The skies were gray and ominous in North Luwu, Indonesia,” recalled Pastor Simon. “As we embarked on our journey, but a glimmer of hope was tucked away in a large shipping box that had just mysteriously arrived all the way from the United States. “The relentless rains had transformed the…
MoreAt just 28 years old, Suzzy faces a challenge that many in Northern Ghana share: she is unable to read. In a region where 67.5% of people struggle with illiteracy due to high levels of poverty and limited educational resources, Suzzy’s inability to read the Bible left her feeling isolated…
More“Don’t you dare embarrass me!” Irina’s mother’s voice raised in anger. “If you want to become an Adventist, you will have to move out!” While living with her parents, Irina is expected to conform to their rules and lifestyle, even though she is an adult. For the most part she…
MoreDuring our mission trip to Malawi, we had evangelistic meetings every evening in three different villages: Yudea, Mwanje, and Namingazi. Each night without fail, there would be hundreds in attendance, from toddlers who just learned how to walk to great-grandparents. During the day, each speaker accompanied a gospel worker to…
MoreFinding the Reason for the Chaos
“What’s behind the chaotic behavior of these kids?” thought Paula after their first night doing the kid’s program in Ghana. Paula shared her thoughts about how her past teaching experience prepared her for this unique mission trip: “I’m normally a high school science teacher. And it’s not that high school…