Mar 22, 2023 The Power of a Single Tract

One Bible tract, one sore eye, and one family helped convert 70% of another Protestant church to the end-time truths of Adventism.

It all started when John had eye pain.

John was a very dedicated and prominent religious leader in his church which worships on Sunday. He heard about a prayer meeting at a different church, so he joined to get prayer from the pastor, in hopes that his eye would be healed.

After being prayed over, John received a booklet. When he opened it, the first page said that it had been written by members of the SDA church. He had never heard of them before, and he was intrigued.

He began to flip through the book and came across the section about keeping the Sabbath.

After he read it, he became so convicted that he immediately started telling his friends at church that, according to this book, they were worshipping on the wrong day. Little by little, people asking him questions about the Sabbath.

In 2021, Pastor Earnest Kefa, the SDA district pastor for Chiradzulu, remembers preaching for a funeral service. At the gravesite, he preached about the Sabbath in relation to the burial of Jesus.

John happened to be at that very funeral as well.

After the funeral, John was determined to find Pastor Kefa’s house to ask him questions about his sermon that day. They talked for two hours. Pastor Kefa used the Sabbath School lesson to answer some of John’s questions and told him that he would buy John his own lesson book. But John was so hungry to learn more that he asked if he could keep Pastor Kefa’s until the new one arrived.

A few days later, Pastor Kefa called John to tell him that the lesson book was there for him at Pastor Kefa’s house. A few hours later, John stopped by with a man named Frank, who was a friend from church, because he too wanted to learn more about the Sabbath.

Their discussion lasted five hours.

Over lunch, the men told Pastor Kefa that 70% of the members of their church were thinking about leaving because Sunday wasn’t the true Sabbath. 

The men decided that they were going to visit their church headquarters to ask if they could worship on Saturday instead of Sunday, based off of everything they were learning in the Bible.

To get to the headquarters, John, Frank, and Owen (Frank’s son) rode their bikes for two hours in each direction to get there.

When they arrived, the leaders refused to allow them to worship on Saturday. John and Frank asked them where in the Bible it said to worship on Sunday, and the church leaders couldn’t prove it.

The officers at the headquarters decided that they needed to go visit the church to try to understand why all the church members wanted to worship on Saturday.

On the 16th of April, the church leaders came to John’s church. At the end of the service, John stood up and announced that he will no longer be a part of the church. People began to ask him why, and he told them more about the Sabbath, and right then and there, some church members said, You’re not leaving alone. I am coming with you.

When I left the church, I immediately felt happy. It felt as though I had found what I’ve been looking for my whole life, said John.

The church officers gave them a document to sign that said if they decided to leave, they had to leave the building as well and worship somewhere else.

The members agreed and left.

Amongst the people that left was John’s sister, Meria, the Headwoman of the village of Namathika..

Since the congregation no longer had a church building, the Headwoman gave the SDA Church some of her land free of charge to build the Judea Church.

Because of one Bible Tract, one sore eye, and one familyÑthe Judea Church was born. But, praise God, the story doesn’t stop there! Because of the Judea Church, a new church has formed in another village called the Bethlehem Church.

One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see. John 9:25

God is truly growing the church in Malawi! Will you continue to pray for believers and gospel workers around the world as they share precious end-time truth?

Meria, Headwoman

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