Oct 30, 2024 “The Seventh-day Adventist”

When I lost contact with my parents, I felt abandoned and cried every night in my bed while all my friends in the dormitory slept.

My name is Naw Promise. I was born in Myeint City, Myanmar, where I lived with my family.

I was first introduced to the Bible and the Seventh-day Adventist beliefs when my grandfather invited a friend from the church to visit.

A few years later, an Adventist pastor, Saw Win Tun, came to our village and shared the Word of God with my family.

I was eager to learn and wanted to be baptized, but my parents, who belonged to another Christian denomination, forbade it. Their decision was firm, and while I understood their concern, I told my mother, “If I get baptized, I will do it in the true church.”

I love my city and country, but things quickly changed, and our country was on the brink of a civil war. Nowhere was peaceful; it no longer was the country I knew and loved. As the conflicts in Myanmar worsened, I did not want to study in Myanmar.

Around the same time my cousin in Thailand invited me to attend school there, so I accepted.

When I arrived in 2022, my cousin tried to tell me about God, but I told her I wasn’t interested.

Then, one day, I met a couple who were Gospel workers named The Shee and Amphai. They invited me to study the Bible at their house.

Initially, I didn’t want to go at all. I missed home; I felt tired and heavy inside. But there was nothing else to do, so I went to study the Word of God with them.

The couple was very friendly, and we became good friends; we’d even go to church together, and through their friendship, I felt like I was getting closer to God.

After completing the Bible studies, I again felt ready to be baptized and accept the truth.

Shortly after, on one Sabbath, the pastor made an altar call for baptism. I did not doubt that this was the right time to accept our Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.

This time, away from home, I didn’t seek my parents’ permission, knowing they would disapprove. So, on a beautiful day in November, I got baptized. My heart was filled with joy and happiness, and I didn’t feel tired and heavy inside anymore.

Weeks later, my mother learned of my baptism but kept it to herself until my father found out six months later. His anger was harsh, and he called me “the Seventh-day Adventist.” I accepted his feelings without letting them disturb my newfound peace.

Eventually, it was time to go back to school. I called my father and told him that I wanted to return to school.

He thought I was going to a traditional school, which was my first plan. But God had other plans, and I ended up attending the two-year Emerald Medical Evangelistic Training program in the new building that Quiet Hour Ministries funded.

Again, my father was disappointed in me.

My mom said she had named me “Promise, because it was my vow to God. I knew you would serve God among our church’s (not Adventist) believers.”

Since then, I’ve lost contact with my parents, which has been painful. Yet, despite the challenges, I remain determined to be faithful to the Lord, live by His truth, and serve Him as long as I live.

I find comfort in knowing I’m not alone; God is always by my side. I’m grateful for the opportunity to study the Bible through the EMET program and hope the Lord has a purpose for me after graduation.

Please pray for me, that I will remain strong despite the pain of separation from my family. Pray that I remain faithful to the truth I have learned and trust God’s plan for my life.

“Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will take care of me.” Psalm 27:10

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