Nov 1, 2023 Truth over Temptation and Threats
“Pastor Teketel, we’re willing to overlook your disruptive behavior, and additionally we want to offer you a generous pay raise—BUT only if you renounce the SDA church and Sabbath,” said his regional director. “I’m confident you could restore peace again to the conflict within your church. So, what do you think?” The silence hung heavy as Teketel’s head pounded from his recent beatings. Continuing to silently pray for the Spirit’s leading, Teketel took several deep breaths in before he answered…
Pastor Teketel loved the Lord. He loved his church and ministering to his community in Ethiopia. Every day he would pray to grow in his relationship with God, and he also prayed to grow in his care for the people he was serving. Teketel was a strong believer in prayer, having seen many miracles himself, and he also loved God’s Word. So, when he became friends with a QHM gospel worker, the Bible naturally became a conversation point, and they soon began Bible studies.
As Teketel studied and prayed, both with his gospel worker friend and on his own, the Spirit opened his mind to the Bible truths. He saw Christ’s rest at the heart of the Sabbath and Christ as the center of the end-time truths in the book of Revelation. Teketel embraced these Bible truths, and he made the firm decision to convert to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. But how to tell his current church congregation?
At what he knew would probably be his last sermon, Pastor Teketel thoughtfully shared his story. He shared about the Bible texts he had studied, how Jesus honored Sabbath, and how Christ was calling to His people out of Babylon in the book of Revelation. As one can imagine, this created quite a stir in his congregation, so Teketel offered to start a Bible study group along with his gospel worker friend.
Four families joined their Bible study, and they too became convinced of these new truths. From these Bible studies, they too wanted to join God’s remnant church. Embracing these new Bible truths, Teketel and 15 precious souls rededicated their lives to the Lord in baptism! Praise God!
But, the enemy was not happy, and Teketel then was blamed for causing division in his former church. He experienced threats, destruction of his property and even beatings! Teketel and his family prayed for God’s protection and wisdom for how to handle these challenges.
When Teketel’s director called him in for a meeting, he thought it was an answer to his prayers. But sadly, Teketel realized it was just the enemy trying to pull him away from God’s truth. He calmly explained to his director he simply could not let go of these new precious Bible truths. Teketel stated plainly, that he loved Jesus and God’s Holy Word, above anything else, and he would hold on, no matter the cost.
Currently, Teketel and the other new believers are meeting in a private home, led by an SDA pastor who is continuing the Bible studies as they grow in the faith. Meanwhile, the main SDA church is working to find a permanent place of worship for this new congregation.
Please continue to pray for Teketel and these new converts. Pray for God to still use this situation for good.
“In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ…” 1 Peter 1:6-7
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