Sep 7, 2021 With the Cherry on Top

Cherry was a grouch. After 44 years of life, she was worn out, worn thin and tired of it all. In her CavitŽ, Philippines neighborhood, she was known as the reigning hothead!

The smallest slight from a neighbor or rambunctious noise of local children was enough to invoke an angry response of curse words and yelling. A day didn’t go by without her lashing out and hurting someone with her words.

One day, a gospel worker knocked on her door. Irritated, she intended to let the visitor know just how she felt about the unexpected intrusion. But, to her surprise, the gospel worker was there to leave her a small gift and invite her to nightly evangelism meetings and Bible study sessions.

Cherry still felt irritated, but with little to do and few friends, she decided it might be an excellent way to pass some time. So she began to attend. After all, she might find out what she could expect of the people in her life! As the evenings passed she found herself drawn to Jesus. His soft answers turned away wrath. She began to see the transformative power of His love on the people around Him. And she saw that Jesus even loved grouchy, hot-headed people like her!

Peter was a good example! He was boastful, impulsive and hot-headed, but he was one of Jesus’ most ardent followers. He actually denied Jesus three times after insisting he wouldn’t and Jesus still forgave him. So maybe Jesus loved her like that too!

As Cherry learned more about her new friend Jesus, she felt a peace and calm she had not experienced before creep into her heart. She felt the transforming love of Jesus and began to reflect it to her neighbors!

Cherry chose to officially join the family of Jesus through baptism at the end of the series. Today, she spends her days reflecting the love of Jesus to her neighbors and enjoying her walk with Him. Now, in her neighborhood in CavitŽ, she is no longer the pits but instead the sweet Cherry on top.

Inspiration Moment – Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve

In this Inspiration Moment, Randy Bates talks about how the Bible teaches us that Jesus wants us love one another.

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